Everything is about to change
You are moments away from uncovering a powerful technique that you can use to change your life in 5 minutes or less.
This powerful technique starts with one simple thing …
The Power of Perspective
Understanding the power of perspective is a critical component that will enable, and empower you to operate from a a position of strength.
Change your perspective and you will change your life.
Perspective is (almost) everything.
Rory Sutherland: Perspective is Everything
source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iueVZJVEmEs
When you understand perspective, you understand your version of reality.
And your version of reality—how you interpret your reality —has a profound effect on your life.

Perspective enables you to …
See the Potholes for what they are–mere indents on the road of life.
The potholes are only as big as you want them to be.
Getting trapped in the potholes indicates one thing–you lack a mission in life.
Identify your mission.
This will enable you to “see past” the potholes.
Find your purpose and passion and move in that direction.
If you fail to set a goal with a vision of your future, you’re likely to get caught up in the minutia of life and complain about non-essentials.
In order to prevent boredom and add drama to your life.
When you’re moving in the direction of your dreams, there will be drama that inevitably comes your way, and managing and overcoming such drama will provide resolve and strength and sharpening of your senses and building of your muscles.

If you have not discovered your passion you may end up getting caught up in drama of small things that, in the long run, prove unfulfilling.
Identify your passion.
Then, take action and move in the direction of your dreams.
Doing so, you will find focus and clarity and amplify the energy of your intention, so much so that you will attract the people, places, things, and situations to enable and empower your dreams to become a reality.
You can do it.
The world is waiting for you to use your God- given gift, to unwrap the present that God has given you and to share it with the world. Your presence is their presents.
That gift, when unwrapped by that perfect stranger might be the one gift that enables them to realize they have options in life, that they are loved, that they are understood, that they are less alone.
The world is waiting for you.
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Darell Higgins
That’s an overview on the Power of Perspective and how you can use it to change your life.
Change your perspective. Change your life.
Change your choices. Change your life.
Bonus Ebook:
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
https://www.law-of-attraction-haven.com/support-files/think- and-grow-rich-napoleon-hill.pdf