Unhappy with Life and Relationships?
Try this simple solution!
Anyone can find happiness in life and relationships.
In fact, here are 3 ways to be happy for the rest of your life.
I’m going to share with you The 3 Secrets of Happiness, and a bonus action that you can put into motion immediately, that will enable and empower you to find happiness in life and relationships.
Let’s start.
The 3 Secrets of Happiness
1. Always have something in life to look forward to.
Think of something that you like to do and then plan to do it. Throughout the day, think of that “fun thing”. Think of the delicious meal you’re planning to have with a good friend after work. Imagine how fun it will be to go dancing. If you’re feeling unhappy, remember that fun thing that you are looking forward to doing. Always have something in life to look forward to.
2. Don’t expect the sun to rise and set on anyone else’s shoulders.
If you expect this person, this guy, this girl to make you happy, you are placing an unrealistic expectation on them. At the same time, you are being irresponsible with your own happiness. If you constantly expect other people to make yourself happy, you’re likely to find yourself sometimes disappointed.
“Expectations are premeditated resentments.”
Alex Wells
Don’t expect the sun to rise and set on anyone else’s shoulders, except your own.
3. Understand that everyone’s chasing a feeling.
When people say they “want something”, they actually want “the feeling” that’s attached to that “something”.
I visit Palm Beach, Florida, usually during the holiday season, and enjoy walking along Worth Avenue. I’ll admire the beautiful cars and the lovely houses and sometimes say “that would be nice to have”. Looking at the beautiful cars and houses, I get “a feeling” that I’m attaching to the car or house. It’s actually not the car or house I want, it’s the-feeling-that-I’m- attaching-to-it that I want.
This happens in relationships. You see a beautiful boy or girl, man or woman, and you get a feeling. You attach a feeling to them, a feeling to “being with them”. Maybe you date them. Maybe the relationship goes south. And then you miss “the feeling” that you had when you were with them.
Almost everyone appears to be chasing a feeling.
Bonus Action
Here’s a bonus action that you can put into motion immediately to find happiness in life and relationships.
Identify your passion, what it is you want to do, and move (take action) in that direction to accomplish that goal.
Progress = happiness.
It’s that simple.
Here’s an amazing video that will motivate, challenge, and inspire you to find your purpose and your passion.
Using the simple, powerful techniques above, you’re entire life is likely to change for the better.